16: Spotlight on Bear Attacks February 18, 2016 This is the third Oscar Primer podcast for Contra Zoom, continuing the series of Oscar Primer’s Dakota does every year, normally just as written… Continue Reading
15: The Big Fury Road February 4, 2016 This is the second Oscar Primer podcast for Contra Zoom, continuing the series of Oscar Primer’s Dakota does every year, normally just as written… Continue Reading
13: Bridge of Martians January 21, 2016 This is the first Oscar Primer podcast for Contra Zoom, continuing the series of Oscar Primer’s Dakota does every year, normally just as written… Continue Reading
12: Oscar Nomination Reactions January 15, 2016 This week Dakota and Andreas go over the just announced Oscar nominations. The guys talk about the films with the most nominations including The Revenant… Continue Reading
7: From Wings to Birdman 1938-1947 Part 2 September 8, 2015 Continuing on from our Best Picture Winner decade-by-decade breakdown from last week’s part 1 Dakota Arsenault and Andreas Babiolakis count down the top five… Continue Reading
6: From Wings to Birdman 1938-1947 Part 1 August 26, 2015 This week we started a new feature where Live in Limbo’s mastermind Sean Chin joined us to talk about his three favourite movies. –… Continue Reading