Guest Appearance: Please Watch This EP 79 – The Master

On my third appearance on the excellent Please Watch This podcast, I got to talk about The Master a film I called the best of the last decade. Hugh had never seen it before, so it was up to Sam and I to make its case.

Episode 79. Hugh, Sam and returning guest and Contra Zoom Pod host Dakota Arsenault have joined a cult, as we look at the Paul Thomas Anderson film The Master. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he now wants to join a cult and devote this and all his subsequent lives to the cause for the next billion years? Or was he so bored he was looking for the Kool Aid? Find out this and much more on this weeks episode of Please Watch This!!!

Whilst you’re here, check out our sister blog ‘Please Read This’:

Also check out Dakota’s podcast Contra Zoom:

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“Barbra Streisand” (Original Mix)” By Duck Sauce 
“Personal Jesus” by Depeche Mode
“Master of Puppets” By Metallica

About the author

Dakota Arsenault is the creator, host, producer and editor of Contra Zoom Pod. His favourite movies include The Life Aquatic, 12 Angry Men, Rafifi and Portrait of a Lady on Fire. He first started the podcast back in April of 2015 and has produced well over 300 episodes. Dakota is also a co-founder of the Cascadian Film and Television Critics Association.

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