For long time listeners of this show, you know my friendship with Sam Blakeley and Hugh Dempsey has gone on for a while now. They have guested on a few Contra Zoom’s, and I have guested on Please Watch This several times. The guys celebrated their 100th episode and were nice enough to ask me to send in a voice mail. Instead of their usual format of recommending a movie to one another, they decided to do a show around movies that critics love that they hate and movies they love that critics hate. I sent in my picks as well, so have a listen!
Episode 100. Sam and Hugh have made it to 100 episodes of the podcast, so in order to celebrate they both get really drunk. This week they must each choose one film that other people like which they don’t, and one film they like that other people don’t.
Did Sam agree with Hugh on his choices or was he so upset that he decided to make this the 100th and *last* episode? Find out this and much more on the 100th episode of Please Watch This!!!