I love making friends with other podcasters. Here is a listing of podcasters who have either guested on CZP or I have guested on their shows!

Scaretroducing – Calum McNab is one half of Scaretroducing a horror movie podcast for horror virgins. Calum has guested on episodes 89: Spooky Season Flicks, 93: Best Films of the Decade Part 1, 94: Best Films of the Decade Part 2, 104: Make/Remake The Invisible Man, 138: Best Films of 2020, 190: Best Films of 2021, 194: A24 Retrospective – Under the Skin, 200: Movies That Made Us and Bonus Episode: Better Know a Contributor – Calum Macnab.

Please Watch This – Hugh Dempsey and Sam Blakeley recommend a movie to each other every week as they rectify their blind spots. Sam and Hugh guested on 135: Make/Remake Citizen Kane and Mank, 138: Best Films of 2020, 152: Cultural Sports Movie Exchange. Dakota was a guest on EP 54 – The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, EP 70 – Before Sunrise and EP 79 – The Master and EP 100 – 100th Episode Bonanza.

Classic Movies Live – Jeff and Pierre host Classic Movies live, looking at movies already deemed classics, and ones that one day might be. Jeff and Pierre guested on 147: Judas and the Mank, 181: A24 Retrospective – Life After Beth, 186: 2022 Oscars: CODA Pizza of West Side Belfast and Bonus: Better Know a Contributor – Jeff Bulmer. Dakota and Rachel have guested on Kickin’ It With Kendrick Episode 11: Christmas With Contra Zoom and Kickin’ It With Kendrick Episode 15, The Voices.

Oscars Death Race Podcast – Paulo Bautista hosts the Oscars Death Race Podcast along with Filmography in Focus, Box Office Watch and more. Paulo guested on 100: Oscars Death Race Interview + 100th Episode Thank You, 101: Best Films of 2019, 142: Most Anticipated Films of 2021, 146: Sound of Minari Nomadland and 184: 2022 Oscars: The Nightmare of King Dune. Dakota was a guest on The Rest of the Best and Oscar Nom Predictions and Oscar Nominations Predictions and Manifestations ft Contra Zoom Pod.

Awesome Friday Podcast – Matthew Simpson is one half of the Awesome Movie Friday Podcast where every week he and co-host Simon review films. Matthew guested on 167: Vancouver International Film Festival Preview 2021 and 200: Movies That Made Us. Dakota and Rachel have guested on Episode 54 – Hustle & The Phantom of the Open (w/ special guest co-host Rachel Ho), Awesome Friday Episode 62 – Our Favourite Marvel Movies, featuring over a dozen of our friends and Episode 69 – Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul & Three Thousand Years of Longing (w/ special guest co-host Rachel Ho).

I Hope You Suffer – Hosts Nathan Sizemore and Katey Cotrill make up two thirds of IHYS where every week they review an off the beaten path horror movie to very comedic results. They guested on episode 110: Hot Docs at Home and 128: Fright Flicks. Dakota guested on Episode 159: أنياب (Anyab aka Fangs) (1981) with Dakota Arsenault from Contra Zoom Podcast.

Bad Gay Movies – Bil Antoniou is one third of the BGM crew that reviews, well bad, gay, movies. He also is the owner of My Old Addiction a film review site. He guested on episode 157: Best Films Through the Decades, 189: 2022 Oscars Recap, 190: Best Films of 2021 and 199: Best Films by Genre.

Once Upon a Time at the Oscars – Kyle and Marliee host OUATATO where they review every single Best Picture nominee ever, going year by year before picking their own winner. They guested on 187: 2022 Oscars: Don’t Drive My Dog.

House of Cinema – Host Joe Aragon profiles a movie each week where they go in depth of their favourites with some fun trivia, some imaginative what-if’s and more. Joe guested on 134: David Fincher Ranked. Dakota guested on Ep 34. Best Picture Winners Ranked.

Hawkeyes – Harper Thompson and Jonathan Zavaleta host an Ethan Hawke themed podcast going over his filmography movie by movie. They have guested on episodes 93: Best Films of the Decade Part 1, 94: Best Films of the Decade Part 2 and 101: Best Films of 2019. Dakota joined them on their show for EP 52 – Cymbeline.

Canadian Politics is Boring – Jesse Harley is one of the co-hosts of CPIB as he gets Canadian history lessons from a Welsh immigrant. Jesse guested on 130: Canada at War.

The Basement Binge – Kade and Harrison make up two thirds of The Basement Binge where every episode they break down the binge worthy movies. They guested on 93: Best Films of the Decade Part 1 and 94: Best Films of the Decade Part 2.

First Round Flick – Hosts Eric and Sandra Duggan draft movies based on the weekly category. They guested on episode 101: Best Films of 2019.