Guest Appearance: I Hope You Suffer Episode 159: أنياب (Anyab aka Fangs) (1981) with Dakota Arsenault from Contra Zoom Podcast

I finally got the chance to join Nathan, Katey and Kit on I Hope You Suffer after being a fan of theirs for a while now. Nathan and Katey have twice guested on CZP sharing their horror expertise. Nathan wanted to ensure that when he had me on, it would be a film I would enjoy (and not be too scared of), so he picked Anyab aka Fangs, an Egyptian version of Rocky Horror Picture Show. It starts out as almost an exact remake with plenty of glam disco song and dance, but when RHPS got horny, Fangs got political. The movie was a ton of fun, and the discussion was even better.

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About the author

Dakota Arsenault is the creator, host, producer and editor of Contra Zoom Pod. His favourite movies include The Life Aquatic, 12 Angry Men, Rafifi and Portrait of a Lady on Fire. He first started the podcast back in April of 2015 and has produced well over 300 episodes. Dakota is also a co-founder of the Cascadian Film and Television Critics Association.

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